Thursday, December 29, 2011

America: We Sure Love Prison!

The truth is that America has a higher incarceration rate than Communist China and Russia.

When you're selling prisons to private companies like the Corrections Corporation of America and Correctional Medical Services, there's a financial incentive for you to imprison more people. (Make the rich even richer!)

We imprison people for smoking marijuana. 

After which, we place them on a parole system where they're guaranteed to fail.

We release them from prison with a ruined background so that it's impossible for them to find a job.

Without a job, they're unable to cover the probation fee and then they're thrown back in jail.

Good job America.

Here's an Awesome Song for You. Let's have some Karaoke in the House!

Comparing America With France. Freedom Fries For Whom?

The Republicans criticized the French with "Freedom Fries." [Never mind that the French made our Statue of Liberty for us!]

Here's the uncensored truth:

1. The French receive (free) medical care. All French men and women receive guaranteed health insurance coverage.

2. The French work a 35-hour working week - leaving them with more time for children, reading and enjoying life.

3. The French receive, by law, 5 weeks of paid vacation per year.

4. The French Minimum Wage is €8.86 per hour. France does have a higher general living expense (I.e. Higher Prices.) However, even with the higher living expenses, the working poor are better off than America's working poor.

5. A College Education is free in France. France has 82 universities, teaching 1.5 million people. All are public; none charge tuition fees.

The Republicans are afraid of America becoming more like France because it'd mean better living and working conditions for you!

Yes, it's true that the French contribute more in taxation than we do.

However, for a free college education and free medical care, the contribution is one worth making and the French people don't complain.

God Bless His Soul!

Here are the words of a true red blooded American.

Before his death, this leader, one of America's greatest leaders, worked to offer us a Second Bill of Rights - An Economic Bill of Rights.

As he said, "hungry men" are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

Every able-bodied American should be guaranteed a full-time job.

Every American should be able to receive affordable medical care.

Every American should be able to earn a Fair and Humane (Living) Wage.

Like now, the Republicans and Super-Rich opposed the New Deal and opposed the Second Bill of Rights.

The Republicans wish to make us poorer in order to enrich our billionaires.

Republicans Piss On America's Working Poor And Middle Class.

When will the Republicans learn that Golden Shower Economics doesn't work?

The super-rich aren't going to use their millions and billions to create new jobs, not even for maids, cooks and drivers.

Furthermore, even if the rich "invested" their money, it'd be invested to build more factories in China and not to create American jobs.

These Republican Policies are the same Republican Policies that gave us the Great-Depression and the Great-Recession of 2008. 

Be prepared America: The Republicans will piss on you.

How are they going to pay for the tax give-away to millionaires? 

By taxing the poor and middle class!

Don't believe me? Watch this:

Let's Have A War: We Could All Use the Money!

Bush's Iraq War: The Truth.

Hermann Goering was a Leading Nazi-German State Minister. 
His words remain as true today as when he uttered them.
"Why of course the people don't want war.
Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?
Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, England or Germany. 
That is understood. 
But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along. 
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. 
That is easy. 
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the nation to danger.  
It works the same in any country."

Republicans: Lunatics or Imbeciles?

Florida State Rep. Proposes Ending Ban On Dwarf Tossing To Create Jobs:

In October, Florida state Rep. Ritch Workman ® filed a bill to end the state’s ban on dwarf tossing — the practice of “launching little people for the amusement of an audience.” 

Workman may not condone throwing little people across his lawn, but he introduced the bill because he wanted to remove a “Big Brother law” that would create jobs: 

“Well, there is nothing immoral or illegal about that activity,” Workman said. 

“All we really did by passing that law was take away some employment from some little people.”

Kentucky Provides Tax Credit To Build Theme Park Modelled After Noah’s Ark:

In May, Kentucky gave a Bible-themed amusement park — replete with a model Noah’s Ark and Tower of Babel — a $43 million tax break.

In August, the state went even farther, giving the Ark Encounter theme park a 75 percent property tax discount for the next three decades. 

The justification for the tax breaks? Ark Park officials say it’ll create 900 jobs — based on a study Ark Park officials did themselves.

Newt Gingrich Proposes Jobs Plan For Poor Kids To Be Janitors: 

The idea factory that is Newt Gingrich produced a gem of a jobs plan this year when he called for firing all school janitors and replacing them with poor students. 

Believing child labor laws are “tragic” and “stupid,” the candidate touted the idea, asking “What if they became assistant janitor and their jobs were to mop the floor and clean the bathroom?” 

South Carolina Offers Tax-Free Weekend To Buy Guns: 

Amidst continued teacher layoffs and surging violence, South Carolina lawmakers thought it’d be wise to keep in place a sales-tax-free weekend for gun purchases.

Created several years ago, the tax-free weekend for guns costs the state $250,000 in revenue each weekend it’s in place. 

The effort prompted one Democratic state senator to convey a message he heard from his constituents: “Have ya’ll lost your mind? 

Why would we want to give people a tax break to buy guns? Crime’s going up. 

What are we we doing? We’re providing tax breaks for people to buy guns.”

Virginia Bill Provides Tax Credit For Blasting Cremated Remains Into Space: 

A Virginia state representative proposed a bill that 

“would provide a state tax credit of up to $8,000 to those who agree to have their cremated remains loaded onto a rocket and blasted into space. 

There’s just one catch: Virginia’s lone spaceport doesn't offer space burials. 

The bill is scheduled to be debated in January.

Republicans Bite The Hand That Feeds Them. (Updated)

The Dirty South States (I.e. Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and so forth) are the largest benefactors of federal cash, while Northern Liberals are contributing more than they're receiving.

Although, I will state that Alaska is the number one receiver of Federal Gravy. (Alaska, as you know, is home to a Former Female Republican Presidential Candidate.)

I wonder if these Southern Republicans go to Church and Thank God for giving them Uncle Sam. (I wouldn't know because I haven't been to Church in a long, long time).

Mississippi receives $2 for every $1 paid into Washington.

Louisiana is the same.

Imagine! If the North had left the South leave the Union instead of fighting an expensive Civil War to keep the South on the Dole, the North could have free health care and even more generous Social-Security.

Republicans bite the hand that feeds them.

The Source of this Information (I.e. Tax Foundation) is a Republican Think Tank!

Now here's a game: You can match the Republican State to the Federal Money they receive!