Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mitt-Romney: Making Money By Sucking You Dry

On the one hand, the video is one sided. I am sure that Romney's Capital Firm did contribute to the creation of a few jobs here and there. On the other hand, he is a man that made a killing and sucked the lifeblood from thousands of hard working Americans. He is your typical Wall St. Corporate Raider. A trail of closed factories, closed stores, joblessness, poverty, foreclosures and homelessness have followed Mitt-Romney's Capital Firm.  

You have to watch this video from the begging to the end!

I believe the information surrounding this video provides us with one more reason to reinstate New Deal Regulation on the financial sector. 

1 comment:

  1. To the future President of the United States! As I puke in my corner!
